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How does the UK recession affect International Students

How does the UK recession affect International Students?

Many international students come to the UK with aspirations of gaining valuable work experience and education to secure lucrative employment opportunities. However, recent economic downturns have cast a shadow of…

Indians Speak Out Against Racism in South Korea

Indians Speak Out Against Racism in South Korea

In recent years, South Korea has emerged as a global cultural phenomenon, with its dramas and TV shows captivating audiences worldwide. However, beneath the surface of this cultural success story…

Iceland Plans to Drill into Volcano for Clean Energy

Iceland Plans to Drill into Volcano for Clean Energy

In a world grappling with climate change and surging energy costs, Iceland is embarking on a daring mission: drilling into a live volcano’s magma chamber to unlock a practically limitless…

Stephen Hawking's Name on Epstein List

Stephen Hawking’s Name on Epstein List Raises Eyebrows

The US District Judge Loretta Preska’s recent ruling has shattered the veil of confidentiality surrounding individuals associated with the late sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. The unsealing process, initiated to bring…

Kerala Needs Businesses Over Migration to Grow

Kerala Needs Businesses Over Migration to Grow

Kerala, despite having the lowest poverty rate in India and boasting a high literacy rate, the state faces a notable challenge: educated unemployment. A significant number of well-educated individuals encounter difficulties securing employment…